The Rooney Sports & Entertainment Group, L.L.C.
123 Adlin Avenue, Houston, PA 15342 • Phone: 724.745.1839 • Fax: 724.745.7471
We are in the age of venue specialization. Forty years ago pro teams were happy to share addresses with their seasonal counterpart. Universities were pleased to use an on campus gym or play some of the big matches in the downtown civic center. Now everyone wants their own venue. Soccer has seen an explosion where teams have built their own state of the art stadiums. And with the increase in the number of independent baseball leagues, markets which could not get an affiliated team, now have their own hometown team. There are now new purpose built live entertainment facilities. TRSEG has been involved in the venue development business for new arenas and ballparks since its inception in 2003, banking on its experience in the sports and entertainment businesses with some of the industry’s most recognizable names.